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Integer a pellentesque justo, quis imperdiet augue. In sagittis id nisi at vulputate. Integer auctor dui eu ligula tempor congue. Mauris at risus ipsum.

Morbi mattis augue vel dui rhoncus accumsan. Praesent quis rutrum tortor. Duis sit amet rhoncus enim. Nam iaculis blandit nisi in ultrices. Ut sollicitudin.

Quisque quis mauris ultricies, volutpat sem ac, consectetur odio. Donec nec elit ac dui imperdiet egestas. Praesent nisi felis, pellentesque nec dui ut, lobortis.

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For Dallas: Text us at 972-835-8387
For Houston: Text us at 832-308-0280 
  • Size of your apartment/house/business
  • The day you would like to move
  • Where you are moving from and to
  • Best way we can contact you
Email Us: vetsrmovingus@gmail.com


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